Sunday, November 6, 2011

Moment 6

An art course is a funny thing....It not only challenges you to grow as an artist but to also grow as a person.  Our instructor, Flora Bowley, was inspiring, approachable, funny and wise and even though she says her intention in her art is to have fun and get all the colorful images out of her head and onto a canvas I think maybe her teaching journey is to impart valuable life lessons to others and to send the positive energy she creates into the universe.  She asked us to make a positive intention or affirmation and write it down as a reminder to reference as we worked on our paintings.  The idea was to take something you may be struggling with and turn it around to be something that you are accomplishing.  So I chose, "I Am Growing," because I so often want to be at the finish line.....whereever that is.  I want to be a seasoned artist with my own identity.  I want to "know everything".  I want to be "the best"...blah, blah, blah.  These are the voices that many of us deal with and it is hard to be patient and it is hard to be the student, especially when you are used to being the teacher, So I am working on reminding myself that "I Am Growing," and there is time and that it is okay to not know everything.  Today's grateful moment was meeting Flora Bowley and continuing to grow.

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