Friday, November 4, 2011

Moment 4

Today wasn't an easy day.  I loved the rainy weather but I was feeling off and just like that the calm in my heart was hard to hang on to when your body lets you down.  I am going to an art retreat tomorrow that I have been waiting for since July but like so much in life there is a trade off and I am missing a very important celebration for some very important friends.  Tomorrow they celebrate the finalized adoption of their beautiful son and it was quite a roller coater as is the nature of our faulty foster care system here in the US.  Because I can't be there I wanted SO much to give this gift I had in mind and I couldn't find it and let's just say it was not helping my rainy mood.  Then I recieved these magical texts from my wonderful husband, "Found it" and "Got it".  He called around and drove in the rain on his lunch break to get it and although it didn't make my body feel better it sure did heal a piece of my heart...and that's what he does for me...all the time.  So today I am grateful for my caring, thoughtful, most wonderful husband.

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