Friday, November 18, 2011

Moment 16

Today was a doozie....Horrible head cold, trying to quit caffeine, cramps (TMI...sorry, but it's relevant;)...UGH...let's just say I was not working with a full deck!!!  Because of my personal circumstances I completely had the wrong time in mind for my son's basketball practice and I missed it; he was SOOOO upset....double UGH.  We went home and to make it up to him I said we could play outside even though it was getting dark and cold.  My 4 yr. old and I were playing hockey in the street and my 7 yr old walked up right when I took a goal shot (pretty good shot if I say so myself)...and....I hit him in the face with the stick.  Yep, this day just kept going from bad to worse.  Let's just say it was hard to find a grateful moment today, but this blog is not about craptitude (just made that up)'s about gratitude.  Because I didn't want it to end on a bad note I made chocolate chip cookies...from scratch even....and they were delicious.  So my grateful moment was right at the end when we all sat around the table eating warm cookies with our cold milk and laughing (a little) at our crazy day.

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